Robert Tarnawski Becomes the New President of the Pulaski Association of Business and Professional Men
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Robert Tarnawski is the new president of the Pulaski Association of Business and Professional Men All for the good of the Polish community

Published on February 8, 2024


Members of the Pulaski Association of Business and Professional Men have elected a new president for another two-year term. Robert Tarnawski, Finance and Accounting Manager at LOT Polish Airlines, because he was the one who accepted this honorable position, began his presidency in January 2024, taking the place of Grzegorz Fryc.


The new president was ceremonially sworn in during the Christmas wafer meeting of the association's members, which took place on December 2 at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Manhattan.


- I am honored that my colleagues from the organization considered me worthy of taking the position of president - admits Robert Tarnawski, who joined the ranks of the Pulaski Association 10 years ago. - I will do everything to ensure that we continue to develop, expand our group, be active in the Polish community, but also make ourselves known outside it and become known in New York society.


- What are your top priorities for the association in the coming year? What is your vision - as the new president - of the organization and your plans for it?


- The most important priority for me, as the new president of the Pulaski Association of Business and Professional Men, will be to increase the activity of our organization outside the Polish community, so that both it and Polonia are more recognizable not only in New York, but throughout America. I have already taken the first step, which is the beginning of cooperation with the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce. I am convinced that this will help the members of our organization to exist outside the Polish community. In addition, we will increase our activity in local politics to strengthen the Polish diaspora lobby among city and state politicians.


Nowadays, it is important to be present on the Internet, it is the daily bread of almost everyone, especially the young generation. Therefore, we will constantly develop our website and social media to make the organization more visible externally. We are also open to new initiatives that will help build greater recognition of the association among the younger generation of the Polish community.

Polish organizations in New York and the surrounding area can continue to count on our support. It is also important for me to maintain and develop cooperation with businesses from Poland.


- Do you plan to implement initiatives to support the growth and success of Pulaski Association members? What are these initiatives?


- First of all, I want our members' businesses to be able to be seen on a wider field. The first such project will be cooperation with the Brooklyn Chambers of Commerce. In addition, we should focus on even closer cooperation between the businesses of the association members.


- What changes or innovations do you foresee for the organization?


- At the moment, I don't see the need for radical changes. I took over the presidency from Grzegorz Fryc and I believe that the association has developed a lot under his wings and we should follow the same path. As in any organization, there is still room for improvement, but for now I do not foresee a revolution, but rather an evolution.


- How will you support cooperation and dialogue between members?


- I believe that cooperation and dialogue between members are the basis of the Pulaski Association's success. Therefore, we will organize various types of integration events that will allow our members to get to know each other not only during formal, monthly meetings, but also informal private meetings. Such meetings often generate common business ideas.


- How will your education and experience help you as president of Pulaski Association?


- During my work as a Finance and Accounting Manager at LOT Polish Airlines and as a co-founder and financial director at JAN-POL Inc., I am involved in various business projects, both corporate and also the smaller ones at the small business level. I believe that thanks to my experience, I see most situations in a multidimensional way. Also, my business education from Poland and an MBA (Master of Business Administration) in accounting from an American university allow me to more easily manage various types of organizations, both business and non-profit.


- How can the Pulaski Association contribute to the development of the Polish community under your management?


- Here again, I will put emphasis on working to expand the organization's recognition among New York residents. We will become a kind of ambassador for the Polish community and this will allow us to change the perception of the Polish diaspora in the USA. Another way to contribute to the development of the Polish community will be to support all kinds of initiatives aimed at promoting Poland among American society. Of course, we will continue cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York, support Polish Supplementary Schools and Polish parishes, and initiatives promoting Poland and the Polish community in the USA. Every year we award scholarships to talented Polish youth and we will continue to do so. The Pulaski Parade Committee can also count on our involvement. I would like to emphasize here that in recent years it was members of the Pulaski Association who served as the Grand Marshal of the Parade. This year is no different - the Polish parade will be led through the streets of Manhattan by Piotr Praszkowicz.


- What is your message to the Polish community about the importance of the Pulaski Association?


- I believe that for the Polish diaspora to be a force comparable to other minorities in the US, we must unite and show outside that Poles and Americans of Polish descent are successful people and many of us have fulfilled our America Dream. Since 1959, the Pulaski Association of Business and Professional Men has been bringing together members of the Polish diaspora who have achieved professional success on American soil and our organization is an ambassador of these successes. We are one of the most recognizable Polish organizations in the USA. Thanks to the potential and commitment of our wonderful members, we are one of the strongest Polish organizations in the United States

By the way, I wish the entire Polish community success in business and personal life in the New Year 2024, as much love and as little division as possible.


- Thank you for the conversation.


Iwona Hejmej

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