Man of the year 2022
The 55t "Man of The Year” gala honoring Mr. Richard Brzozowski
Richard Brzozowski attended the United States Naval Academy and served in the United States Marine Corp. during the Korean War. He returned to civilian life, earned an MBA in Industrial Management at the Baruch School of the City University of New York and was inducted into Mu Gamma Honor Society. His thesis on Management Controls for the Optimization of Quality Costs was considered a challenge to the aerospace industry. During his working career, Richard was employed as an industrial quality control engineer at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Sperry Gyroscope Corporation and Grum man Aerospace Corporation. In the early 1970s, he joined the banking industry and was instrumental in implementing many industrial quality control techniques in banking operations. Over the next twenty-five years, his career flourished in higher management level as an interna I consultant for European American Bank and lsrael Discount Bank. In addition, he taught statistical quality control at the State University of New York, Farmingdale Campus. In 1999, Richard retired from active employment and became increasingly involved in community issues and activities such as: membership on the scholarship committees of the Polish and Slavic Center, Polish and Slavic Federal Credit Union and the Pułaski Association of Business and Professional Men. He also actively served on the Polish American Congress Committee to file applications for compensation to Poles impressed into slave and forced labor by Nazi Germany and currently is co-chair of the Polish-Jewish Dialogue Committee. Richard is a life member of the American Society for Quality and participates in Polonia as a Board member and founder of the Polish American Congress Long Island Division, as well as on the Boards of the PSC Community Services, lncorporated, Blue Parasol Home Care, the Polish American Museum, and Pułaski Association of Business and Professional Men. In addition, he is a member and supporter of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, Kosciuszko Foundation, and Piłsudski Institute. On January 20, 2022, Richard celebrated his ninety-second birthday and continues to be active in Polonia. Among the many awards, political, and government citations he has received, he is most proud of the “Gold Cross of Merit of The Republic of Poland " received from the President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski.
This Gala Testimonia I Banquet will take place at Russo's On The Bay located at 62-45 Cross Bay Boulevard Howard Beach, NY 11414 on Friday June 24th, 2022 at 7pm.
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