Man of the year 2000
Celebrating The Millenium

President's Message...
On behalf of the membership of the Pulaski Association of Business & Professional Men, Incorporated, I wish to extend a warm welcome to our guests attending this year's "Millennium Banquet" honoring all the Polish parishes and apostolate parishes, the pastors and chaplains.
Today is a very special day for us. Every year we honor a person who has done extraordinary deeds for us and the person wears a title of a Man or a Woman of the year. This year we will celebrate this occasion somewhat differently because of the year 2000. On this day, March 19, we gather to celebrate the "Millennium" with a religious theme as was asked for by our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. The year 2000 is very important to us because Jesus Christ was born two thousand years ago and He is still with us, guiding us. We follow His teachings and we have strong Christian faith. In celebrating these two thousand years of Christianity we gather to pay tribute to all the Polish parishes and especially pastors, and priests working in our community. We honor them for their great extraordinary contributions to Polonia through their sincere faith and dedication. We praise them for their love for their community, the Church and God. They are the ones responsible for giving us hope and faith and they are the ones who put all the work and effort into our Polish culture.
Lastly, I would like to especially thank our advertisers in this year's "Millennium Banquet" Journal for helping to make this a successful event. Without your financial support, the contributions which our membership extends to Polish-American causes, would not be possible. Many thanks and Bóg Zaplać
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